Krishonnati Yojana – Sub Mission On Seed And Planting Material

Details about National Mission on Krishonnati Yojana – Sub Mission On Seed And Planting Material (SMSP)

The “Sub Mission on Seed and Planting Material (SMSP)” is part of the broader “Green Revolution – Krishonnati Yojana,” a centrally sponsored scheme aimed at boosting India’s agriculture sector.

Launched in 2016-17, this umbrella scheme combines 11 different programs focused on improving agriculture and allied sectors to increase farmers’ incomes by enhancing production, productivity, and better market returns.

Objectives of SMSP:

  • Increase the production of certified and quality seeds.
  • Improve the Seed Replacement Rate (SRR), especially for crops like paddy, gram, groundnut, and cotton.
  • Upgrade the quality of farm-saved seeds, with a goal to cover 60,000 villages and produce 100 lakh quintals of seeds annually through farmer participation.
  • Develop seed infrastructure in the public sector.
  • Promote seed treatment, particularly for farm-saved seeds.
  • Strengthen the seed multiplication chain by supporting public and private sectors.
  • Introduce and popularize new seed varieties.
  • Modernize seed production, storage, certification, and quality control infrastructure to meet standards such as the Seeds Bill 2004, ISTA, and OECD certification.
  • Facilitate international seed trade with a goal to increase India’s market share to 10% by 2020.Support public and private seed organizations and encourage partnerships.
  • Ensure seed availability in contingency situations.
  • Promote seed-related information through education and communication.
  • Protect plant varieties and the rights of farmers and breeders through PPVFRA.

Key Components of SMSP:

  1. Strengthening Seed Quality Control
  2. Enhancing Grow Out Test (GOT) facilities
  3. Support for seed certification agencies
  4. Seed Village Program
  5. Certified seed production through seed villages
  6. Development of seed processing facilities
  7. Establishment of seed storage facilities
  8. Providing transport subsidies for seed movement to North Eastern states
  9. National Seed Reserve
  10. Application of biotechnology in agriculture
  11. Promoting public-private partnerships in the seed sector
  12. Assistance for boosting seed production in the private sector
  13. Support for Sub-Mission Director and related studies
  14. Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority (PPVFRA)

Benefits of Sub Mission On Seed And Planting Material (SMSP)

Strengthening Seed Quality Control

  • Funding: 100% by the Government of India, except for a sub-component with a 75:25 Centre-State share.
  • Assistance:
    • Seed Testing Laboratories: Up to ₹60 lakhs per lab for equipment; ₹20 lakhs for lab renovation.
    • DNA Fingerprinting Facilities: ₹70 lakhs for DNA fingerprinting at selected seed testing labs.
    • Specialized Seed Health Units: ₹55 lakhs to establish/strengthen health testing labs.
    • ISTA Membership: ₹15 lakhs for international seed testing association fees for up to 5 labs.

Strengthening Seed Law Enforcement

  • Assistance: ₹10 lakhs to cover seed sample costs with a 75:25 Centre-State funding pattern.

Support to National Seed Research and Training Center

  • Assistance: ₹12 crores for three years covering salaries, maintenance, and administrative costs. ₹20 lakhs per state for developing a centralized seed certification portal.

Training and Workshops

  • Assistance: ₹2 lakhs for seed-related training (5-day course for 25 people).

Strengthening of Grow-Out Test (GOT) Facilities

  • Funding: 100% by the Government of India.
  • Assistance: ₹50 lakhs for a 5-hectare GOT farm and ₹10 lakhs for establishing a greenhouse.

Support to Seed Certification Agencies

  • Funding: 25% by the Government of India, 75% by the State.
  • Assistance:
    • ₹50 lakhs per agency per year for staff salaries.
    • Up to ₹10 lakhs for travel expenses for field inspections and certifications.
    • ₹50 lakhs for office automation and communication facilities.

Seed Treatment

  • Funding: 75% by the Government of India, 25% by the State.
  • Assistance: Up to 75% subsidy for seed treatment costs, with a maximum central assistance of ₹20 lakhs per agency annually.

Promotion of Seed Export

  • Funding: 100% by the Government of India.
  • Assistance:
    • 30% of freight charges up to ₹3 lakhs per beneficiary.
    • 40% of seed conditioning unit setup costs up to ₹10 lakhs per beneficiary.
    • 25% for upgrading seed testing labs to international standards up to ₹5 lakhs per lab.

Support for R&D and New Varietal Products

  • Funding: 60% by the Government of India, 40% by the State.
  • Assistance: Up to ₹1.15 crores for acquiring new varietal projects, technology, and R&D setups.

Strengthening Seed Farms

  • Funding: 75% by the Government of India, 25% by the State.
  • Assistance: Up to ₹80.21 lakhs per farm for infrastructure, equipment, and irrigation facilities.

Seed Village Program

  • Funding: 100% by the Government of India.
  • Assistance:
    • 50% for seed distribution for cereal crops.
    • 60% for pulses, oilseeds, green manure, and fodder crops.
    • ₹15,000 per group for farmer training.
    • Financial aid for seed storage bins based on farmer category.

Certified Seed Production Through Seed Villages

  • Funding: 75% by the Government of India, 25% by the State.
  • Assistance:
    • 75% for seeds required for 1 acre per farmer.
    • 50% for seed certification charges, up to ₹600/ha.
    • Support for seed processing plants and storage godowns.

Seed Processing Plant

  • Funding: 100% by the Government of India.
  • Assistance: ₹37.80 lakhs for seed processing plants and ₹32.70 lakhs for building construction.

Seed Storage

  • Funding: 100% by the Government of India.
  • Assistance: For construction and modernization of seed storage godowns, up to ₹10,500/sqm for air-conditioned and dehumidified stores.

Transport Subsidy

  • Funding: 100% by the Government of India.
  • Assistance: Covers the difference between road and rail transport charges for seeds moved to identified states.

Assistance for Maintenance of Breeder Seed

  • Funding: 75% by the Government of India, 25% by the State.
  • Assistance: ₹99.98 lakhs for maintenance breeding of nucleus seeds.

National Seed Reserve

  • Funding: 100% by the Government of India.
  • Assistance:
    • 100% of procurement value as revolving funds.
    • Up to ₹300 per QTL for maintenance costs and ₹50 per QTL for material handling equipment.

Application of Biotechnology in Agriculture

  • Funding: 100% by the Government of India.
  • Assistance: Up to ₹2.50 crores for new tissue culture units and ₹20 lakhs for strengthening old labs.

Public-Private Partnership in Seed Sector

  • Funding: 50% by the Government of India, 50% by the State.
  • Assistance: Up to ₹50 lakhs per beneficiary for project costs.

Assistance for Boosting Seed Production in Private Sector

  • Funding: 100% by the Government of India.
  • Assistance: Up to 50% subsidy on project costs, with special provisions for hilly and scheduled areas.

Support to Sub-Mission Director and Surveys/Studies

  • Funding: 100% by the Government of India.
  • Assistance: Hiring consultants and conducting surveys to ensure effective implementation.

PPV & FRA (Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority)

  • Funding: 100% by the Government of India.
  • Assistance: Funds allocated for day-to-day activities under the PPVFR Act.

What is the eligibility criteria for Krishonnati Yojana – Sub Mission On Seed And Planting Material (SMSP)?

The applicant must be a Small or Marginal Farmer.

How to apply for Krishonnati Yojana – Sub Mission On Seed And Planting Material (SMSP)?

Bona fide farmers can apply to the District Agriculture Officer of the concerned districts/Agriculture Development Officer of C&RD Block/ Agriculture Circle, by submitting copies of the required documents.

What are the documents required to apply for Krishonnati Yojana – Sub Mission On Seed And Planting Material (SMSP)?

  1. Aadhaar number
  2. Copy of farmer B1 khasra / loan book
  3. Copy of the Bank Passbook

Source and References

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