Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) – Scholarship scheme

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Details about Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) – Junior & Senior scholarship scheme

The Awards shall be made by the Dean and Joint Director (Education) of the Institute on the advice of the “Standing Committee on Scholarships Financial Assistance and Academic Progress”, which shall take into consideration the merit of each applicant based initially on his admission and subsequently on his performance at the Post Graduate School.

Duration of scholarship for the courses

  1. The normal duration of junior scholarships for M.Sc. course will be two years and that of senior scholarships for Ph.D. course will be three years.
  2. However, on the recommendation of the Chairperson of the student and Professor of the Division based on appraisal of the progress and details of justification for the extension needed, the period of junior/senior scholarships is extendable in exceptional cases for period not exceeding three months/six months, respectively.
  3. In the case of SC/ST/PC students, the scholarships are extendable upto a period of six months/one year, respectively.
  4. The students who have undergone introductory courses on agriculture in the first year of their study at IARI shall be provided Institute scholarship for a period of one year in addition to the provisions mentioned above.
  5. The scholarships shall be awarded initially for a period of one academic year from the date of joining the Post Graduate School or the commencement of the academic year, whichever is later, and can be renewed for another year in the case of M.Sc. and two years in the case of Ph.D. students, subject to the earning of Overall Grade Point Average for continuing in the Post Graduate School.
  6. Requests for extension beyond these limits will be examined by the Dean on their merits. The total period for which scholarships shall be awarded including extension period shall not exceed three years and three months in the case of M.Sc. students, and four years and six months in the case of Ph.D. students.
  7. The payment of scholarship/fellowship should be reviewed at the end of 3rd trimester and only those students will be permitted to continue getting fellowship who maintain the OGPA of 6.50 out of 10.00 at the end of 3rd trimester.
  8. All M.Sc./ Ph.D. students will be required to maintain the minimum OGPA of 6.00 out of 10.00 at the end of 3rd trimester to continue on the Post Graduate School rolls.
  9. The scholarship shall be paid only for the period of residence of the recipient at Post Graduate School (inclusive of the summer vacation, the trimester breaks and such other leave as may be sanctioned under the rules) upto the date of final viva-voce (i.e. till they are on the rolls), subject to the condition that the maximum period of scholarship prescribed shall in no case be extended and provided he/she continues to reside in the Post Graduate Hostel and marks his/her attendance in the concerned division.

What are the benefits of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) – Junior & Senior scholarship scheme?

Benefits of the scholarship

  1. The value of the M.Sc. and Ph.D. scholarship will be ₹ 7,560/- and ₹ 10,500/- per month, respectively.
  2. The scholarship shall be drawn in the extension period also where such extension beyond two/three years, respectively, has been granted.
  3. The scholarship will be inclusive of all fees and other charges of the teaching institution.
  4. In addition to the monthly amount of junior/senior scholarship a contingent grant of ₹ 6,000/- per academic year for M.Sc. students, and ₹ 10,000/- per academic year for Ph.D. students will be paid towards the cost of experimental material, books, the thesis and the study tours required for the study as recommended by the Chairperson/Professor concerned.

Scholarship to the In-service Candidates/ Departmental Students

  1. As per ICAR norms, the In-service candidates joining M.Sc./Ph.D. course on study leave/ deputation who are in receipt of study allowance/ halting allowance/deputation allowance, etc. in addition to full leave salary, the scholarship amount will be adjusted so that they will get a maximum benefit of ₹ 3,000/- p.m. only in addition to full leave salary.
  2. This is in addition to the payment of the contingent grant.
  3. Those in-service candidates who are not in receipt of JRF/SRF and receiving a partial salary (half or leave without pay) will also be eligible to get an Institute Scholarship of ₹ 3,000/- p.m. provided they are employed by ICAR/SAU system, either nominated by ICAR or selected for admission by any university and who opt to join at a place other than the one where working and provided further that the third degree is not from the same institute.

What is the eligibility criteria for Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) – Junior & Senior scholarship scheme?

For the M.Sc./M.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering only) Courses:

  1. Only those candidates who had their Bachelor’s Degree Programmes under 10+2+4 OR 10+2+3 OR 10+1+4 system (OR awarded B.Sc. degree under 10+2+2 system prior to 1985) and fulfill the qualifications as prescribed in the Information Bulletin are eligible to apply for admission.

For the Ph.D. Courses:

  1. Candidates must have obtained at least 60% marks OR an Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA) of 7.50 out of 10.00 OR 3.75 out of 5.00 OR 3.00 out of 4.00 OR 2.25 out of 3.00 (For SC/ST/PC candidates: 55% marks OR OGPA of 7.00 out of 10.00 OR 3.50 out of 5.00 OR 2.80 out of 4.00 OR 2.10 out of 3.00) in M.Sc. / M.Tech. degree program.
  2. In no case, the conversion of OGPA into percentage will be considered for the calculation of marks where the OGPA is awarded.
  3. The scholarships will be admissible to students of Indian Nationality as defined in the constitution of India or persons domiciled in India, irrespective of sex, race, or religion.
  4. A fellow will devote his/her whole time to the approved study and will not be allowed to accept or hold another appointment paid or otherwise.

Age limit:

  • The minimum age limit for admission to Ph.D. shall be 21 years.
  • The age shall be reckoned as of 31st July of the year of admission and no further relaxation will be given to the candidates.

How to apply for Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) – Junior & Senior scholarship scheme?

You can choose any of the mode to apply for the scheme:

  1. To request an application form and the Information Bulletin, send a crossed Demand Draft for ₹ 575/- drawn in favour of the Registrar, Post Graduate School, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012, along with a written request clearly indicating your full and legible address.
  2. You can also purchase the application form and the Information Bulletin in person at Syndicate Bank, Pusa Campus by making a payment of ₹ 500/- (₹ 250/- for SC/ST/PC candidates plus the charges prescribed by the Bank).
  3. You can also download the Information Bulletin, Admit Cards, Application Form, and Acknowledgement Card from the Institute website at In this case, you must enclose a Demand Draft of ₹ 500/- (for the General/ OBC category) and ₹ 250/- (for SC/ST/PC category) along with the Application Form.

What are the documents required to apply for Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) – Junior & Senior scholarship scheme?

List of documents are as follows:

  1. Proof of date of birth.
  2. Matriculation (10th) or equivalent certificate and mark sheet.
  3. Higher Secondary examination certificate mark sheet, if applicable.
  4. Intermediate (12th) examination certificate and mark sheet, if applicable.
  5. Bachelor’s degree certificate and mark sheet.
  6. Master’s degree certificate and mark sheet.
  7. Course Completion Certificate.
  8. Caste Certificate.
  9. Two passport-size photograph.

Sources And References

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